Substandard? Not just case files……

The HMIC has stated that most case files submitted for court are substandard.  They inspected 40 files and only 3 were adequately summarised.  Apparently officers ‘do not fully understand their role in taking cases to court’. The report is calling for an ‘urgent review’ of police training in legal procedures and that training would help ‘streamline’ … Continue reading

Justice for Emma- justice for all…..

I read with disgust the assault on Emma, the elderly female attacked in her own home whilst she slept. despicable How can ANYONE think anything else but that’s disgusting. Firstly it would have to be a sick b*****d who has done this. How could anyone in their own mind do this to anyone let alone … Continue reading

When things just go from bad to worse…

Tonight is the last shift before rest days and I will be so glad to be home before it all goes round again. I love my job. I really do. I joined to help people and I still work on the ethic of treat people how you would want to be treated It makes sense. … Continue reading