Simples…. Cautions to be scrapped. At last.

So it was announced by Chris Grayling that simple cautions for serious offences are to be scrapped. Hallelujah! Didn’t it occur to anyone that a simple caution for serious offences was damn right ludicrous ? Who on earth in their right mind figured that a ‘slap on the wrist’ for someone who had committed serious … Continue reading

Substandard? Not just case files……

The HMIC has stated that most case files submitted for court are substandard.  They inspected 40 files and only 3 were adequately summarised.  Apparently officers ‘do not fully understand their role in taking cases to court’. The report is calling for an ‘urgent review’ of police training in legal procedures and that training would help ‘streamline’ … Continue reading

It isn’t even about Political Correctness…. it’s just wrong.

I read with interest at the employment tribunal between the Metropolitan Police and ex DC Kevin Maxwell. In an interview in the Guardian, Maxwell talks about the abuse he received from his colleagues relating to his race and sexuality. He is a black gay male who was dismissed for gross misconduct in December 2012 after … Continue reading

Crime prevention IS the answer – no catching criminals now…..

The primary role of the police is to prevent crime, not catch criminals, Tom Winsor, the chief inspector of constabulary for England and Wales has said.  Tom Winsor said focusing on would-be offenders, likely victims and potential crime hotspots would save taxpayers’ money and keep more people safe.  But “primitive” technology is limiting officers’ ability … Continue reading

The final quarter review. Jan 13 – March 13.

The Met saw criticism for ‘massaging’ crime figures for sexual assault.  Crime Figures have always been a hot potato and you know as well as I do, that certain crimes can be deemed as priority, volume or whatever, and it has been a widespread practice to ‘massage’, but there is a big difference between massaging and falsifying … Continue reading

Margaret Thatcher – controversial in life and death….

Since the death of Margaret Thatcher last week there has been a huge controversy and divide between those who are for and against ‘The Iron Lady’. There were a lot of people who were celebrating her death on Social Media sites, and in once case a Police Sergeant from the Met who shared his celebratory thoughts … Continue reading

Review of the third quarter October – December 2012

October 2012 saw the Plebgate incident which is still going on, but ‘Let those who judge be judged’ was about senior officers and politicians who discipline lower ranked officers, but who in fact have been dishonest themselves, or committed offences or cover ups.  Accountability is the key, and the question of how can someone discipline … Continue reading

Failings in police investigations in Savile case

The police have been criticised for their failings in investigating complaints of sexual assault against Jimmy Savile as early as 1963. Sexual abuse allegations against Jimmy Savile emerged after his death and the report states that Police forces mishandled complaints and missed opportunities to apprehend Jimmy Savile, a critical report says. The Inspectorate of Constabulary … Continue reading