To taser or not to taser- that is the question………

Taser Teen USA This is a link of a video which was taken from the Guardian on line. It is a video of a 14 year old girl being tasered by a police officer in America after she was inciting public order outside of a school for swearing and shouting. She is first seen to … Continue reading

To arrest or to not arrest……

Yesterday we attended a male who has mental health and had been drinking and took an overdose. Ambulance had asked for our assistance as it was currently taking four of them to hold him down. He initially agreed to come out and get in the car, but as he left the house he legged it. … Continue reading

Impossible targets…… Makes you sick.

I have to attend an ASM meeting this week. The poor individual has had 16 surgeries and is now back on patrol frontline and working full time, but due to a computer programme, has to have an ASM because their head has gone above the parapet and is being shot at by HR and the … Continue reading

Policing in the modern day….

I decided to join the modern world and head in to ‘cyberspace’ this week by joining twitter. I hear of so many complaints about Facebook, she said, he said, and often coming in to the police station expecting us to just whip out a laptop and zap the offending articles from the timeline, or having … Continue reading