The right to remain silent……….

There has been concern expressed at the arrests of those who were involved in the ‘whistle blowing’ of the expenditure of the Cumbrian PCC who had chauffeur driven Mercs to take him to functions,  Mr Richard Rhodes had two trips at £700.  This was for his ‘personal safety’ allegedly.  Two Cumbrian Police staff were arrested, … Continue reading

The final quarter review. Jan 13 – March 13.

The Met saw criticism for ‘massaging’ crime figures for sexual assault.  Crime Figures have always been a hot potato and you know as well as I do, that certain crimes can be deemed as priority, volume or whatever, and it has been a widespread practice to ‘massage’, but there is a big difference between massaging and falsifying … Continue reading

Margaret Thatcher – controversial in life and death….

Since the death of Margaret Thatcher last week there has been a huge controversy and divide between those who are for and against ‘The Iron Lady’. There were a lot of people who were celebrating her death on Social Media sites, and in once case a Police Sergeant from the Met who shared his celebratory thoughts … Continue reading

2nd Quarter – the low down on the year July 2012 – September 2012.

The second part of the low down of my year of blogs.  The first part was a mixed bag – and the second quarter is no different. Let the public see complaints against the Police looked at if we had to declare every single complaint of officers, including those that aren’t substantiated, then this would … Continue reading

Social Media and Blogging….

I see, once again, social media is under the spot light, with anonymous bloggers who are writing, like myself, under pseudonyms, often because we don’t feel that we would be allowed to put our own names for fear of discipline. My question is what is wrong with expressing your opinion about your job, or reporting … Continue reading