It isn’t even about Political Correctness…. it’s just wrong.

I read with interest at the employment tribunal between the Metropolitan Police and ex DC Kevin Maxwell. In an interview in the Guardian, Maxwell talks about the abuse he received from his colleagues relating to his race and sexuality. He is a black gay male who was dismissed for gross misconduct in December 2012 after … Continue reading

GPS for dementia patients…. Right or wrong?

Sussex Police have purchased six GPS devices to assist with helping track missing persons with dementia. This has mixed reviews. The National Pensioners Convention described the introduction of the devices as “barbaric” and suggested people could be stigmatised and made to feel like criminals. Dot Gibson, the pensioners convention general secretary, said: “I think they … Continue reading

Crime prevention IS the answer – no catching criminals now…..

The primary role of the police is to prevent crime, not catch criminals, Tom Winsor, the chief inspector of constabulary for England and Wales has said.  Tom Winsor said focusing on would-be offenders, likely victims and potential crime hotspots would save taxpayers’ money and keep more people safe.  But “primitive” technology is limiting officers’ ability … Continue reading

The final quarter review. Jan 13 – March 13.

The Met saw criticism for ‘massaging’ crime figures for sexual assault.  Crime Figures have always been a hot potato and you know as well as I do, that certain crimes can be deemed as priority, volume or whatever, and it has been a widespread practice to ‘massage’, but there is a big difference between massaging and falsifying … Continue reading

2nd Quarter – the low down on the year July 2012 – September 2012.

The second part of the low down of my year of blogs.  The first part was a mixed bag – and the second quarter is no different. Let the public see complaints against the Police looked at if we had to declare every single complaint of officers, including those that aren’t substantiated, then this would … Continue reading

The low down at the end of the year….. April 2012 – June 2012 the first quarter report.

I decided that I would have a look back at the blogs I have written in the past ‘year’ (financial of course!)  All the blogs written are linked, so if you want to read them again, feel free to click on the links. This is the first of four of my first quarter report. We … Continue reading

Social Media and Blogging….

I see, once again, social media is under the spot light, with anonymous bloggers who are writing, like myself, under pseudonyms, often because we don’t feel that we would be allowed to put our own names for fear of discipline. My question is what is wrong with expressing your opinion about your job, or reporting … Continue reading

So the farce is over…… PCC election disaster

The PCC Elections are finally over – I am pretty sure that it was one of the most boring days for those who were waiting for the public to turn up to vote.  I hope they brought their knitting and their flasks and sandwiches! I cannot believe that in the 75 million that was spent … Continue reading

Special Constabulary – an enhancement or a replacement?

So forces are now increasing the amount of Special Police Officers….. Police Officer numbers are dropping and in order to deliver the same service we need to increase the number of Volunteers. Just how wrong is that? I started my career as a Special Constable, and I know the pressures of both Specials and Regulars. … Continue reading

Bigger headlines don’t mean worse crimes……

I saw that yet another journalist has been arrested on suspicion of computer hacking.  Patrick Foster, 28 years, was arrested in London on Wednesday 29th August 2012.  This was in relation to working alongside Scotland Yard with the Met, Operation Tuleta.  and he is  now the 11th person to be arrested, and is working alongside … Continue reading