Crime prevention IS the answer – no catching criminals now…..

The primary role of the police is to prevent crime, not catch criminals, Tom Winsor, the chief inspector of constabulary for England and Wales has said.  Tom Winsor said focusing on would-be offenders, likely victims and potential crime hotspots would save taxpayers’ money and keep more people safe.  But “primitive” technology is limiting officers’ ability … Continue reading

The low down at the end of the year….. April 2012 – June 2012 the first quarter report.

I decided that I would have a look back at the blogs I have written in the past ‘year’ (financial of course!)  All the blogs written are linked, so if you want to read them again, feel free to click on the links. This is the first of four of my first quarter report. We … Continue reading

So the farce is over…… PCC election disaster

The PCC Elections are finally over – I am pretty sure that it was one of the most boring days for those who were waiting for the public to turn up to vote.  I hope they brought their knitting and their flasks and sandwiches! I cannot believe that in the 75 million that was spent … Continue reading

The psychic we call David Taylor-Smith

So much of the Police Service will be privatised within 5 years will it, Mr Taylor-Smith? Is that fact or just wishful thinking? The other issue is is this really going to save money, or just a way for security firms to get richer? Mr Taylor-Smith states that that he expects police forces across the … Continue reading

MP’s to boycott Winsor

So I hear on the grapevine that MP’s are getting twitchy feet over the possible job made for applied for by Winsor. Could it be that they have had an epiphany that the railways were shit and after his review they still are? Is it because they are worried that to show support for the … Continue reading

Tom Winsors HMIC application

Name: Tom Winsor Education: Oxbridge Social: Friends include Cameron, May, Herbert. Job History: Train Service Wrecker; Police Service Wrecker. Applying for: HMIC to keep a close eye on Police Services demise. Salary : £195,000 with bonuses and excellent pension Supporting Letter: After receiving a ‘wink wink’ phone call for the new HMIC post I don’t … Continue reading

Here here! McKeever 1v May 0

Having listened to Theresa May rattle on at the Police Federation Conference today I was boiling from the offset. She started off with our fallen colleagues, mispronouncing their names, and then went on about budget cuts and the current state of our economy blah blah blah, but she could not sorry, would not answer to … Continue reading

Snitching, Racism and Morale.

Today there were 12 officers, 8 from the Met, 4 from Northern Ireland, suspended for racism. Now we do not accept anyone being racist but it is, if you hear something racist, sexist, homophobic, or whatever, very difficult to ‘snitch’ on a colleague. Today the news had two poignant sentences which were: “The Met does … Continue reading

The #antiwinsornetwork –

My title, for those who do not realise is for those who ‘tweet’. The hash tag can be a very powerful tool. This we used to our advantage last Friday to get #antiwinsornetwork up and running and trending near the top in the UK, so it proves that tweeting can work en mass to get … Continue reading